Straight from the Bin (2025)

In light of this revoltin’ development, the real question is: SHOULD there be?

The Biggest Peacetime Crime—and Cover-up—in British History

“Peacetime,” he says. Dumb fuck doesn’t realize he’s in a war that began a long, long time ago.

LONDON — The grooming and serial rape of thousands of English girls by men of mostly Pakistani Muslim background over several decades is the biggest peacetime crime in the history of modern Europe. It went on for many years. It is still going on. And there has been no justice for the vast majority of the victims.

British governments, both Conservative and Labour, hoped that they had buried the story after a few symbolic prosecutions in the 2010s. And it looked like they had succeeded—until Elon Musk read some of the court papers and tweeted his disgust and bafflement on X over the new year.

Britain now stands shamed before the world. The public’s suppressed wrath is bubbling to the surface in petitions, calls for a public inquiry, and demands for accountability.

The scandal is already reshaping British politics. It’s not just about the heinous nature of the crimes. It’s that every level of the British system is implicated in the cover-up.

Social workers were intimidated into silence. Local police ignored, excused, and even abetted pedophile rapists across dozens of cities. Senior police and Home Office officials deliberately avoided action in the name of maintaining what they called “community relations.” Local councilors and Members of Parliament rejected pleas for help from the parents of raped children. Charities, NGOs, and Labour MPs accused those who discussed the scandal of racism and Islamophobia. The media mostly ignored or downplayed the biggest story of their lifetimes. Zealous in their incuriosity, much of Britain’s media elite remained barnacled to the bubble of Westminster politics and its self-serving priorities.

They did this to defend a failed model of multiculturalism, and to avoid asking hard questions about failures of immigration policy and assimilation. They did this because they were afraid of being called racist or Islamophobic. They did this because Britain’s traditional class snobbery had fused with the new snobbery of political correctness.

All of which is why no one knows precisely how many thousands of young girls were raped in how many towns across Britain since the 1970s.

One of the most disgusting, vomit-inducing articles you’ll ever read, this one is. Gotta repeat this bit, because reasons.

Britain now stands shamed before the world.

Does it, though? Because I can’t honestly say I’m seeing a whole lot of shame, much as I wish it weren’t so. Plenty of ass-covering, excuse-making, and “but…but…but…” sack-scratching going around still, which to my way of thinking indicates not shame, but shamelessness.

The public’s suppressed wrath is bubbling to the surface in petitions, calls for a public inquiry, and demands for accountability.

Uh huh. Because petitions, inquiries, and toothless “demands” have always been effective before. Perhaps Englishters need to lay off suppressing their wholly-justified wrath and try expressing it for a change—explicitly, pointedly, and energetically, in the places where it can do the most good.

As has been true of politicians everywhere and everywhen, absent cash bribes they respond mainly to pressure, and, should that fail to move them in the desired direction, pain. High time they experienced some, then. The mistake people must never, ever make (but usually do) is to imagine that a single, brief application of pressure will suffice to do the trick, and that having done so it’s now safe to just walk away assuming the battle has been won and all is well again.

No, the thing to do is maintain continuous pressure until it causes them pain, never letting up until they’ve agreed to your terms and sworn to abide by them. Should the politicians renege on the deal, lather, rinse, repeat as needed. Sooner or later torches, pitchforks, white-hot branding irons, and nooses are likely to put in an appearance. If the scoundrels make hanging a few of them necessary until the rest come around, so be it. After all, they’d certainly do the same to you. Have done, in fact, and not back in long-forgotten antiquity either, but quite recently. It’s how you wound up in this awful fix in the first place.

PRO TIP FOR BRITISH SUBJECTS: Your government doesn’t give three whoops in Hell for what you like, don’t like, want, don’t want, or expect. It’s abundantly clear that the police, elected “representatives” at every level, the press, and various other institutions both public and private care far more about the welfare of the unassimilable Moslem hordes your authorities intentionally, wittingly inflicted on you (for whom “rape, pillage, burn” isn’t a pre-Medieval abstraction but an avocation) than they ever will about your wives, mothers, sisters, and/or daughters of whatever age being beaten, gang-raped, and/or murdered in broad daylight, without fear on the part of the lawless, slavering animals responsible for said serial brutality ofofficial sanction, reprimand, or so much as a light slap on the wrist in punishment.

As Tommy Robinson could tell his fellow Britons, there’s no help coming; you are entirely on your own, like it or not. In Not-So-Great Britain sorely-beset Normals have no advocates, no right to defend themselves, and no legal recourse. There is no knight in shining armor on a big white charger galloping to the rescue in the very nick of time. Brave Sir Launcelot perished long ago, leaving no uncut but valiant young Percival as his successor-designate to carry on with the obligatory dragon-slaying, succouring of damsels in distress, Grail-seeking, Round Table mead-swilling, and miscellaneous errantry.

If it’s the squeaky wheel that gets the grease, as the old saw has it, then I reckon it’s time and well past time Brits did some serious squeaking. In stupidly allowing their tyrannical government to disarm them without dissent or demur, His Majesty’s subjects made a bed for themselves in which no decent, self-respecting person should complacently lie. The central issue confronting the West entire is no great secret; we all know what it is, what it portends for us. All self-deception, all equivocation, all pussyfooting around must cease posthaste. Assuming it’s not already too late, that is.

Straight from the Bin (1)1

Straight from the Bin (2)1

Straight from the Bin (2025)
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Name: Catherine Tremblay

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Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.